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Nokia launches gigabit Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU) solution for cable operators

The addition of MoCA enables Multiple System Operators (MSO) to deliver multi-gigabit services over the existing coaxial cable in MDU buildings where fiber installation is not feasible, as well as in coax-wired commercial buildings such as hotels and hospitals.

InCoax Networks Signs MoU With Nokia

The synergy between Nokia and InCoax’s cost-effective solutions translates into significant savings in both the installation and commissioning of broadband installations. This streamlined approach reduces time and costs for property owners, landlords, and residents, all while ensuring optimal connection performance.

  • kenburns1
    MoCA Access™
    Fast, Reliable, Cost-effective.
    Extending the reach of fiber
    using existing coax.
  • kenburns1
    MoCA Home™
    coax standards deliver
    multi-gigabit symmetrical speeds,
    full-mesh and low latency networking.
    Managed Full-Mesh Coax Connectivity
    to Work, Learn and Stream
  • kenburns1
    MoCA Link™
    Point-to-point coax connectivity bridge
    for managed services
    to work, learn and stream.
    A symmetrical multi-gigabit, sub-millisecond latency,
    point-to-point coax link for broadband services.

Insights on Where MoCA® Technology Works

Throughout the past several months, we've been reviewing additional networking segments where MoCA technology can make the network better.

One element remains consistent: MoCA technology enhances network technologies' performance, making the network more efficient and reliable for service operators and consumers.

MoCA technology is not static. It evolves with the industry, leading the way with multi-gigabit, low-latency standards as the sector expands with fiber broadband, FWA, and multi-gigabit broadband.

Insights on Where MoCA® Technology Works
View the slide deck

MoCA Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

A benefit of membership in MoCA is the MoCA IPR Policy designed to maximize the likelihood of widespread adoption of all current MoCA® specifications.

MoCA members are entitled to request and negotiate RAND licenses necessary for compliant implementation of MoCA technology from other MoCA members, former MoCA members, and certain successors in interest to MoCA members, in each case with respect to license commitments that arise under the MoCA IPR Policy and as defined and specified in the MoCA IPR Policy.

Click Here and learn how a MoCA membership can benefit your company.

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