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MoCA Link™ 2.5 is now an approved MoCA® standard

January 11, 2022

MoCA Link™ 2.5 is the latest MoCA standard designed for working, learning and streaming faster from a home or MDU.

Why MoCA Link™

There are multiple next generation internet access technologies on the horizon including Fixed Wireless 5G, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite, 10G Passive Optical Networks (PON) and DOCSIS 4.0 – all of these internet access technologies can benefit from network termination with modems installed at the edge of the house or MDU.

In the case of millimeter wave 5G Fixed Wireless and LEO satellites, signals do not penetrate building materials easily and require outdoor line-of-sight transceivers/modems.

MoCA Link™ 2.5 can potentially save significant labor and disruption when installing these new access technologies, which offers a reduction in Total Cost of Ownership for the service provider.

Where MoCA Link™ fits in home network connectivity

MoCA Home™ offers superior home connectivity and multi-gigabit connectivity in single family homes.

MoCA Access™ provides secure in-premise multi-gigabit distribution to individual customer units within MDUs.

And newly approved standard, MoCA Link™, provides a bridge from an outdoor access network to indoor gateway while enabling multi-gigabit performance.

Unlocking a multi-gigabit future

Rest assured, the three MoCA® standards: MoCA Home™, MoCA Access™, and MoCA Link™ have a roadmap to support all current and next generation connectivity and access technologies.

I want to thank the members of MoCA for their support of MoCA through membership and participation.

In 2022, MoCA will be reviewing and updating MoCA® 3.0 specifications (MoCA Home™, MoCA Access, and MoCA Link™) with enhanced speeds up to 10 Gbps.

Best Regards,

Dr. Jim Crammond,
MoCA President

About MoCA®:  MoCA®, the coax standards for managed networks, lets people work, learn, stream, and game over existing coax cable available in homes, apartments, flats, hotels, and buildings worldwide. MoCA® is a global, member-driven, non-profit trade association that creates access and connectivity coax standards for managed networks. MoCA member companies consist of global service providers (MSOs, Telco/IPTV), OEM, ODM, and semiconductor companies. For more information and graphics on MoCA Link™.

For more information:

MoCA Link